Please include the following line in your blog post “ I am unraveling the mysteries of Kumbh Mela by participating in the #TheKumbhMelaExperience activity at BlogAdda in association with Anugraha.The activity is open only for Mumbai bloggers.The minimum word limit for each blog post is 400 words.So bloggers who travel, film, read and those who want to watch the chaotic festival fall perfectly in place on a documentary, participate and WIN!  25 bloggers will get to attend on Jand Jfor the screening/performances/making of the books/exhibit tour.

 2 best blog posts will get to attend the premiere on July 25, 2015.  Best blog post will win a book along with the premiere experience.It could be stories, experiences, dreams, folktales and more. What are the things that come into your mind when someone mentions “Kumbh”. It will be held at Nehru Centre, Discovery of India Building, Hall of Harmony Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai – 400 018.

Therefore, we have acquired this moment to get our best bloggers to attend the event. You need to be at this screening to know what actually happens in the festival where around 60-80 million people come together. Take this as your chance to witness the Kumbh Mela without going through the ordeal of traveling to another city brought to you by the makers of the documentary – Anugraha. The company is holding a screening of the documentary before releasing it. There have been some fantastic film makers who have visited Kumbh Mela 2013 in Allahabad and recorded it as a documentary.

Well, then here is a golden opportunity for those who are intrigued by this gargantuan religious event! Did you know Mark Twain visited the Kumbh Mela in 1895 before it was made too mainstream by our Bollywood Stars? Now wouldn’t you want to know more about the festival? How would it be if you get a chance to experience Kumbh Mela through a film, books, discussions and performances?